Manually update the anti-malware database

If you want the engine to have an up-to-date anti-malware database before you upgrade the engine, you can manually update the anti-malware database on an Engine or individual nodes of an Engine Cluster.

The update command in the Management Client uses the default anti-malware database mirror URL.

You must update the anti-malware database by running the avdbfetch script on the engine command line in the following cases:

  • To use an alternative mirror
  • To use an HTTP proxy
  • To update the anti-malware database by copying the database to the engine from a USB memory stick

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Home.
  2. Browse to Engines, then expand the nodes of the engine for which you want to update the anti-malware database.
  3. Right-click an engine node, then select Commands > Update Anti-Malware Database.


The anti-malware database update begins. The update can take a while.