Post-processing report files

You can customize reports by post processing them as part of the Report Task.

Post-processing runs the <installation directory>/data/reports/bin/sgPostProcessReport script on the Management Server and passes command arguments to the script. The following table explains the possible command arguments.

Table 1. Command arguments for post-processing reports
Command argument Explanation
-creation_time YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss The report creation time.
-filter_categ name The category assigned to the task filter.
-filter_name filter The name of the filter assigned to the task.
-html_file filename The file name of a report exported as HTML.
-pdf_file filename The file name of a report exported as PDF.
-period_begin YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss The begin time of the reporting period.
-period_end YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss The end time of the reporting period.
-report_categ name The category assigned to the report (and to the report file).
-report_file_title title The title of the report file.
-report_name name The name of the report.
-text_file filename The file name of a report exported as plain text.

The script parses the values from the command arguments to use the values for post-processing. Only parameters that have a defined value are forwarded to the post-processing script.

When a parameter has multiple values, each of the values is forwarded as a separate command argument.

Example of using multiple values

When the report has the two categories “Example Corporation” and “weekly report”, these values are forwarded to the script as -report_categ Example Corporation and -report_categ weekly report.