Verify the IKE identity (Phase-1 ID) of the VPN endpoint

In the SMC Management Client, open the properties of the NGFW Engine that is used as the local VPN Gateway to connect to Web Security Cloud, then verify that the VPN endpoint uses the same IKE identity (Phase-1 ID) value as configured in the cloud Security Portal.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration.
  2. Right-click the NGFW Engine, then select Edit <element type>.
  3. Browse to VPN > End-Points.
  4. Verify from the Phase-1 ID column that the VPN endpoint used to connect to Web Security Cloud uses the same IKE identity (Phase-1 ID) value as configured in the cloud Security Portal.
    If necessary, you can use a VPN-specific exception to assign a specific Phase-1 ID value for the Web Security Cloud VPN. Using exceptions allows you to avoid changing the default value that might be used for other VPNs. For more information, see the sections about defining VPN gateways in the Forcepoint Next Generation Firewall Product Guide.
  5. Click Save.