Accept the Management Server certificate

As a precaution, to make sure that you are communicating with your Management Server, check the Certificate Authority fingerprint.

The certificate dialog box that contains the fingerprint is shown when the Management Client contacts a Management Server for the first time. You can also manually view the fingerprint.


  1. View the Management Server fingerprint.
    • In Windows, use the shortcut icon (default: Start > All Programs > Forcepoint > Show Fingerprint) or run the script <installation directory>/bin/sgShowFingerPrint.bat.
    • In Linux, run the script <installation directory>/bin/
    • On the SMC Appliance, log on to the command line with your administrator credentials, then run the following command
      sudo smca-system fingerprint
      On restricted shell:
      smcasystem fingerprint
      Note: When external certificate management is used, the Management Server certificate fingerprint is shown on the client instead of the Certificate Authority certificate fingerprint. See Appendix F Installing the SMC with external certificate management for more details.
  2. If the fingerprint matches, click Accept.


The Management Client starts.