Cluster installation worksheet instructions

For planning the configuration of network interfaces for the engine nodes, use the worksheet.

  • Interface ID — Write the Interface ID (and the VLAN ID, if VLAN tagging is used).
  • CVI — Write the Interface ID’s CVI information (if any) and on the NDI line, write the interfaces NDI information (if any). Use multiple lines for an Interface ID if it has multiple CVIs/NDIs defined.
  • Mode — Select all modes that apply for this Interface ID.
  • IP Address and Netmask — Define the CVI or NDI network address.
  • MAC/IGMP IP Address — Define the MAC address used. If the interface’s CVI Mode is Multicast with IGMP, define the multicast IP address used for generating automatically the multicast MAC address.
  • Comments — Define, for example, a name of the connected network. Show how the NDI addresses differ between the nodes. Define a management interface’s contact address if different from the interface’s IP address.

Interface modes are explained in the following table. These same character codes are displayed in the firewall element interface properties of the Management Client.