Install licenses for NGFW Engines

Install the NGFW Engine licenses that you downloaded while preparing for installation.

Before you begin

The license files must be available to the computer that you use to run the Management Client.

You can install all licenses at the same time even though you have not yet created all elements that the licenses are bound to.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. In the Management Client, select Menu > System Tools > Install Licenses.
  2. Select one or more license files to install in the dialog box that opens and click Install.
  3. To check that the licenses were installed correctly, select Configuration, then browse to Administration > Licenses > All Licenses.
    One license is shown for each NGFW Engine node. You must bind POL-bound licenses manually to the correct NGFW Engine nodes after you have configured the NGFW Engine elements. POS-bound licenses are automatically bound to the NGFW Engine nodes when you install a policy on the NGFW Engine after the NGFW Engine makes initial contact with the Management Server.

Next steps

Define the engine elements.