Synchronize databases between the active Management Server and additional Management Servers

You must synchronize the configuration information manually through the Management Client after upgrading the Management Servers or after restoring a backup.

Before you begin

There must be a route between the Management Client and the Management Servers. If there is no route between the Management Client and the Management Servers, you cannot send a command through the SMC HA Administration dialog box.

Manual management database synchronization is primarily meant for resynchronizing the databases after upgrading the SMC. We do not recommend using manual database synchronization unless you have a specific need to do so.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Connect to the active Management Server using the Management Client.
  2. Select Menu > System Tools > SMC Servers HA Administration.
  3. If the Management Client is in a different network than the additional Management Server, select the Location from which to send the command.
  4. For each additional Management Server that you want to synchronize:
    1. Right-click the Management Server, then select Replication > Full Database Replication.
    2. When prompted to confirm the replication, click Yes.
      All existing configurations on the additional Management Server are overwritten.
    3. Click OK to acknowledge the completion of the synchronization, then wait for the Management Server to restart.


After the Management Server has restarted, its Replication Status is updated in the SMC HA Administration dialog box. Click Close to close the SMC HA Administration dialog box.