The API supports the XML format. As a standard, the XML format is more verbose than the JSON format.

The XML format appears more verbose particularly in collections, which present an XML tag grouping of all XML child elements.

Example: the system "Your-Freedom Servers" host has the following content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <host comment="Your-Freedom Servers to help blocking access from Your-Freedom clients" address="" key="86" name="Your-Freedom Servers" read_only="true" system="true">
    <link href="http://localhost:8082/7.0/elements/host/86" rel="self" type="host"/> 
    <third_party_monitoring netflow="false" snmp_trap="false"/>

There are common attributes with the JSON format — name, comment, key, system, and read-only. The attributes specific to XML are address (XML attribute), secondary_addresses, and third_party_monitoring (XML children elements).

For more information about the XML format, see https://⁠en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML.