
There are several types of requests and they affect resources in different ways.

You can perform these actions:
  • Create resources by using POST requests on the URI of the collection that lists all elements. The URI of the created resource is returned in the Location header field.
  • Read resources by using GET requests. To save network bandwidth and avoid transferring the complete body in the response, HEAD requests If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since are supported.
  • Update resources by using PUT requests. All updates are conditional and rely on Etag and If-Match header parameters.
    Note: Etag is not supported as a header parameter in PUT requests in SMC API version 6.4 or higher. Use If-Match instead of Etag as a header parameter in PUT requests.
  • Delete resources by using DELETE requests. All delete actions are conditional and rely on the If-Match header parameter.
  • Trigger actions such as Policy Uploads by using POST requests.
Important: Only GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests are safe and do not have side effects. PUT and DELETE requests have no additional effect if they are called more than once with the same parameters, but We recommend avoiding redundant requests. POST requests might have additional effects if called more than once with the same input parameters; clients are responsible for avoiding multiple POST requests.