Create SMTP Server elements

SMTP Server elements define the properties of SMTP servers that you can use, for example, to send email and SMS notifications.

You can also use SMTP Server elements as the Source or Destination in a policy. SMTP Server elements can be used in the properties Management Server elements for emailing Reports and sending alerts as email and SMS.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration.
  2. Browse to Network Elements > Servers.
  3. Right-click Servers, then select New > SMTP Server.
  4. Configure the settings, then click OK.

SMTP Server Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to define SMTP Server properties. SMTP Server elements define the properties of SMTP Servers that you can use, for example, to send email and SMS notifications.

Note: The SMC does not support authentication or TLS encryption for SMTP.
Option Definition
General tab
Name The name of the element.
IP Address

Enter the IP address of the server.

Only single IPv4 addresses are supported.

Resolve Automatically resolves the IP address of the server.
Location Specifies the location for the server if there is a NAT device between the server and other SMC components.
Contact Addresses section
Default Used by default whenever a component that belongs to another Location connects to this server.
Exceptions Opens the Exceptions dialog box.
Port Enter the port number if the SMTP Server uses a port other than the default port 25.
Default Sender Name Enter the name to be used in the From field of the email.
Default Sender E-mail Enter the email address to be used in the From field of the email.
Default Host Name Enter the DNS host name of the SMTP Server.

If you do not enter a Default Host Name, the local host name of the computer where the Management Client is running is used.



Includes the element in predefined categories. Click Select to select a category.


A comment for your own reference.
Test Opens the Test E-mail dialog box, where you can test the connection to the SMTP host with a test email.
Option Definition
Monitoring tab
Log Server The Log Server that monitors the status of the element.
Status Monitoring When selected, activates status monitoring for the device. You must also select the Probing Profile that contains the definitions for the monitoring. When you select Status Monitoring, the element is added to the tree in the Dashboard view.
Probing Profile Shows the name of the selected Probing Profile. Click Select to select a Probing Profile element.
Log Reception Activates syslog reception from this device. You must select the Logging Profile that contains the definitions for converting the syslog entries to SMC log entries. You must also select the Time Zone in which the device is located. By default, the local time zone of the computer you are using is selected.
Logging Profile Shows the name of the selected Logging Profile. Click Select to select a Logging Profile element.
Time Zone Selects the time zone for the logs.
Encoding Selects the character set for log files.
SNMP Trap Reception Enables the reception of SNMP traps from the third-party device.
NetFlow Reception Enables the reception of NetFlow data from the third-party device. The supported versions are NetFlow v5, NetFlow v9, and IPFIX (NetFlow v10).
Option Definition
NAT tab

(All optional settings)

Firewall Shows the selected firewall.
NAT Type Shows the NAT translation type: Static or Dynamic.
Private IP Address Shows the Private IP Address.
Public IP Address Shows the defined Public IP Address.
Port Filter Shows the selected Port Filters.
Comment An optional comment for your own reference.
Add NAT Definition Opens the NAT Definition Properties dialog box.
Edit NAT Definition Opens the NAT Definition Properties dialog box for the selected definition.
Remove NAT Definition Removes the selected NAT definition from the list.

Test E-mail dialog box

To test the connection to the defined SMTP host, send a test email to a selected email address.

Option Definition
Send a Test E-mail From the Management Server to Enter the email address to which you want to send a test email. By default, the Default Sender E-mail defined in the SMTP Server Properties is used.
Send Sends the test email. You can see if the connection was established in the field below.