Advanced settings for Sidewinder Proxies

Advanced Sidewinder Proxy settings enable optional behavior or set parameters.

Each setting has a name and a value. Some settings are specific to individual proxies. Most settings can be used with any proxy, or for all proxies if you set them using shared proxy properties. If you do not specify a value, the default values are used.
Note: Changing the advanced settings requires detailed knowledge of the protocols involved and how the parameters affect your environment. We do not recommend changing the advanced settings unless you are instructed to do so by Forcepoint Technical Support.

In an environment with Master NGFW Engines and Virtual Firewalls, some advanced settings apply only to Master NGFW Engines, and some advanced settings apply only to Virtual Firewalls. Settings that do not apply to the type of engine on which they are configured are ignored. For example, if you configure a Master NGFW Engine advanced setting for a Virtual Firewall, the setting has no effect on the Virtual Firewall.

Advanced settings that you configure for a Virtual Firewall affect only the individual Virtual Firewall. Advanced settings that you configure for a Master NGFW Engine affect all Virtual Firewalls that are hosted by the Master NGFW Engine.

Advanced Sidewinder Proxy Settings dialog box

These settings are intended for advanced users. We do not recommend changing these settings unless you are instructed to do so by Forcepoint Technical Support.

Note: On Master NGFW Engines, these settings are shown in the Add-Ons > Sidewinder Proxy branch of the Engine Editor.
Option Definition
Shared tab
Use this tab to define advanced Sidewinder Proxy settings that are shared by all SSM Proxies. Click Add to add a row to the table, or Remove to remove the selected row.
Shared Proxy Property The name of the shared advanced Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Value The value of the advanced Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Option Definition
HTTP tab
Use this tab to define advanced Sidewinder Proxy settings for the SSM HTTP Proxy. Click Add to add a row to the table, or Remove to remove the selected row.
HTTP Proxy Property The name of the advanced HTTP Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Value The value of the advanced Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Option Definition
SSH tab
Use this tab to define advanced Sidewinder Proxy settings for the SSM SSH Proxy. Click Add to add a row to the table, or Remove to remove the selected row.
SSH Proxy Property The name of the advanced SSH Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Value The value of the advanced Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Option Definition
TCP tab
Use this tab to define advanced TCP Sidewinder Proxy settings for the SSM TCP Proxy. Click Add to add a row to the table, or Remove to remove the selected row.
TCP Proxy Property The name of the advanced Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Value The value of the advanced Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Option Definition
UDP tab
Use this tab to define advanced Sidewinder Proxy settings for the SSM UDP Proxy. Click Add to add a row to the table, or Remove to remove the selected row.
UDP Proxy Property The name of the advanced UDP Sidewinder Proxy setting.
Value The value of the advanced Sidewinder Proxy setting.