Statements in the sgagent.conf statement section

You can define general commands for the tests the Monitoring Agents perform in the statement section.

A statement can apply to all or only some members of the Server Pool.

Table 1. Statements in the sgagent.conf statement section
Statement Description
begin host host_name

If you want a statement to apply to certain Server Pool members only, the statement must start with the begin host command followed by the name of the Server Pool member.

The begin host command can be followed by actual server names or an exclusion. In an exclusion, begin host is followed by not and the server name, instead of just a server name. This exclusion indicates that the setting is applied to all other servers except the one specified.

For example, the following statement would apply to all members in the Server Pool except server1:

begin host not server1
config settings


[port port_number]

[boot-delay time]

[alert-interval time]

[alert-script path]

[startup-script path]

[overload-script path]

[listen IP_address [:port]

[load-index threshold



[load-index-action exclude time]

Defines the option in question.

If a statement applies to all members in the Server Pool, you can enter the setting on a single line without using begin or end.

end Ends the statement when begin is used.