Task types

There are several types of predefined system Task Definitions. In addition, you can create custom Task Definitions.

Tasks are based on Task Definitions. There are two kinds of Task Definitions: custom Task Definitions and predefined System Task Definitions. To view Task Definitions or to create new Task Definitions, browse to Administration > Tasks > Definition in the Configuration view.

The following table explains the types of custom Tasks that you can create.

Table 1. Custom Task Definitions
Task Definition Explanation
Backup Task Creates backup files for the selected Management Servers and Log Servers.
sgInfo Task Creates a .zip file that contains copies of configuration files and system trace files for the selected components for Forcepoint Technical Support.
Refresh Policy Task Refreshes the currently installed policy on the selected engines and Master NGFW Engines, the currently installed Alert Policy on the selected Domains.
Refresh Policy on Master Engines and Virtual Security Engines Task Refreshes the currently installed policy on the selected Master NGFW Engines and the Virtual NGFW Engines associated with the Master NGFW Engines. If a Virtual Engine belongs to another administrative Domain, the policy is refreshed in that Domain.
Upload Policy Task Uploads the selected policy to the selected engines.
Validate Policy Task Validates the selected policy on the selected engines.
Remote Upgrade Task Remotely upgrades the software on the selected engines.
Export Log Task Copies log data from the active storage or archive to the selected location.
Archive Log Task Copies log data from the active storage to the selected location.
Delete Elasticsearch Data Task Deletes log data that has been forwarded to an Elasticsearch cluster.
Delete Log Task Deletes log data from the active storage.

In addition to Task Definitions that you create and customize, there are predefined Task Definitions for several system tasks. You can run the System Tasks manually or reschedule them, but you cannot change the options in System Task Definitions.

Table 2. System Task Definitions
Task Definition Explanation
Create Snapshot of All System Elements Automatically creates a snapshot of all system elements after an update package has been activated. The snapshot information is used when administrators compare policy snapshots.
Delete Old Executed Tasks Deletes information about previously executed tasks if there are more than 1000 executed tasks.
Delete Old or Unused SMC Web Access Data Deletes SMC Web Access files that are older than 30 days or folders associated with a deleted administrator account.
Delete Old Snapshots Deletes Policy Snapshots.
Disable Unused Administrator Accounts Disables the accounts of administrators who have not been active within the time period defined in the SGConfiguration.txt file. The accounts are disabled if the Enforce Password Settings option is enabled. An Administrator with unrestricted permissions (superuser) can re-enable the disabled accounts.
Fetch Certificate Revocation Lists Downloads Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) from a CRL server.
Renew Gateway Certificates Generates new certificates for NGFW Engines that act as VPN Gateways if automatic certificate renewal is enabled for the NGFW Engines.
Renew Internal Certificate Authorities

Checks the status of Internal Certificate Authorities for automatic renewal. To make sure that the automatic certificate authority renewal works correctly, do not change the schedule of this Task.

This Task can only be run in the Shared Domain. If administrative Domains have been configured, it renews the internal certificate authority in all Domains.

Renew Internal Certificates Checks the status of internal certificates for automatic renewal. To make sure that the automatic certificate renewal works correctly, do not change the schedule of this Task.