Enable showing users on the Dashboard

To monitor users in the Dashboard view, you must enable the option in the global system properties.

The settings defined in the global system properties apply to all administrators in all Administrative Domains.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Menu > System Tools > Global System Properties.
  2. On the Global Options tab, select Show Users in the Dashboard View.
  3. Configure the other settings in the User Information section.
  4. Click OK.

Global System Properties dialog box — Global Options tab

Use this tab to configure general settings for the SMC and NGFW Engines.

You can also use this tab to:

  • Authorize McAfee® Global Threat Intelligence™ (McAfee GTI). Only administrators with unrestricted permissions (superusers) can enable McAfee GTI.
  • Show users in the Dashboard view.
  • Set the expiration time for one-time passwords that are generated when you save the initial configuration for an NGFW Engine.
  • Import Snort configuration files globally to configure default settings for Snort inspection for all NGFW Engines.

All settings are optional.

Option Definition
Enable McAfee Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) and McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) usage When selected, enables McAfee GTI usage.
Note: McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) is no longer supported in NGFW 6.10 and higher.
Show Users in the Dashboard View When selected, users that have been recently active are shown in the Dashboard view.
Retrieve Information for Users Active A user is considered active if they have generated log data. Select the time period to retrieve the information. The longer the time period, the greater the performance impact.
Display Users as
  • User Names — The name of the user is shown. The information is shown as it is shown in the logs.
  • Source IP Addresses — If user name information is not available, or cannot be shown due to privacy legislation, you can show only the source IP address of the user.
Show Users From These Networks

(Only if Display Users as is Source IP Addresses

If you want to show users as source IP addresses, select the networks where your users are located.
One-Time Passwords Expire After Defines the expiration time for one-time passwords that are generated when you save the initial configuration for an NGFW Engine. If the one-time password is not used, it automatically expires after the expiration time has elapsed.

By default, one-time passwords expire after 30 days.

Snort Configuration The externally created Snort configuration .zip file that contains the Snort configuration files and rules for Snort inspection.
  • Click Browse to select a file.
  • Click None to remove a previously imported file.
  • Click Export to export the Snort configuration file.

All NGFW Engines for which Snort inspection is enabled use the global Snort configuration by default.

Settings in the Snort configuration .zip file for an individual NGFW Engine are combined with the settings in the global Snort configuration .zip file. If any configuration files in a Snort configuration .zip file for an individual NGFW Engine have the same files name and paths as configuration files in the global Snort configuration .zip file, the overlapping files in the global Snort configuration .zip file are ignored.

Health Monitoring Specifies selection of either the Top Network Application or individual Network Application. This section includes the following fields:
  • Network Applications – Specifies the applications you need to individually select for monitoring. You can add or remove an application.
  • Top Network Applications – Specifies the applications that SMC automatically selects for monitoring, based on the accounting traffic. This is the default setting. You can even select the Top Network Application based on application usage.
  • Top Limit – Specifies the maximum number of network applications displayed on the Application Health Monitoring dashboard for monitoring. This is applicable only for Top Network Application. The default value of Top Limit is 10, however; you can configure this value.