Set the active Management Server

If the currently active Management Server is unreachable, set a different Management Server to active. If is also recommended to set a different Management Server active before you change the platform of the Management Server that is currently active.

Note: Changing the active Management Server is primarily meant for disaster recovery. We do not recommend changing the active Management Server unless it is necessary.
If the currently active Management Server is unreachable when you change the active Management Server, but might possibly recover, disconnect the active Management Server from the network. Disconnecting the currently active Management Server prevents having two active Management Servers online at the same time.

When a Management Server is the active Management Server, it has full control of all administrative Domains. Setting a Management Server to standby releases full control of all administrative Domains. Another Management Server can take full control of all administrative Domains and become the new active Management Server.

The engines continue to operate normally even when no Management Server is reachable, so there is no interruption to any network services.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Menu > System Tools > SMC Servers HA Administration.
  2. Right-click an additional Management Server, then select Set Active.
    You are prompted to confirm setting the Management Server to active.
  3. Click Yes.
  4. Set the previous active Management Server to standby, then manually synchronize the databases to return to normal operation.

SMC HA Administration dialog box

Use this dialog box to control how the Management Servers function in an HA environment and how the database is replicated between the active Management Server and the standby Management Servers.

You can also use it to see the status of Log Servers, and run diagnostics about the communication status between all SMC servers.

Note: If the replication status of a standby Management Servers shows that there are issues with the database replication, make sure that you are connected to the active Management Server to see the current status of all the components in the SMC.
Option Definition
Currently Connected to Shows the Management Server to which you are connected using the Management Client.
Reconnect to Reconnects to the selected Management Server.
Active Management Server Shows the active Management Server.
Client Location Select the location from which to send commands. This action ensures that commands are sent to the correct Contact Address for the Management Server.
Run diagnostic Runs diagnostics of the communication status between all the SMC servers.
Note: Running the diagnostics might take a while.
Option Definition
Management Servers table

Shows the name of the Management Server.

The following options are available when you right-click a Management Server:

  • Log on — Logs on to the selected Management Server.
  • Restart Server — Restarts the selected Management Server.
  • Set Active — Sets the selected Management Server to active. When a Management Server is the active Management Server, it has full control of all Domains.
  • Set Standby — Sets the selected Management Server to standby. Setting a Management Server to standby releases full control of all Domains.
  • Replication — Commands for controlling replication of the management database.
    Note: Replication commands are only available if at least one standby Management Server is online.
    • Include Server and Full Database Replication — Enables automatic database replication from the active Management Server to the selected additional Management Server and synchronizes databases between the active Management Server and the selected additional Management Server.
    • Exclude Server from Replication — Disables automatic database replication from the active Management Server to the selected Management Server.
    • Full Database Replication — Synchronizes databases between the active Management Server and additional Management Servers.
      Note: This command is not available if the selected Management Server has been excluded from replication.
    • Test database synchronization — Tests the database synchronization between the active Management Server and additional Management Servers.
  • Properties — Opens the Properties dialog box for the selected Management Server.
IP Address Shows the IP address of the Management Server.
Server Mode Shows whether the Management Server is set to active or standby.
Replication Status Shows the status of the management database replication.
  • OK — The management database replication is working correctly.
  • FAILED — Replication failed. For more information, click Run diagnostic.
  • Excluded — The Management Server has been excluded from automatic database replication.
  • Not accessible — There is no route between the Management Client and the Management Server.
  • Offline — The Management Server is offline.
  • No license — The Management Server does not have a valid license.
  • Not ready — Replication status is not available because the Management Server has recently started.
Last Replication For standby Management Servers, shows the date and time of the last management database replication from the active Management Server.
Option Definition
Log Servers table

Shows the name of the Log Server.

The following options are available when you right-click a Log Server:

  • Restart Server — Restarts the selected Log Server.
  • Refresh Engine Count for All Log Servers — Checks how many NGFW Engines currently use each Log Server.
  • Properties — Opens the Properties dialog box for the selected Log Server.
IP Address Shows the IP address of the Log Server.
Secondary Servers Shows the Log Servers that are selected as secondary Log Servers for this Log Server.
Engine Count

Shows the number of NGFW Engines that use this Log Server.

To see the latest number of NGFW Engines that currently use each Log Server, right-click a Log Server, then select Refresh Engine Count for all Log Servers.