Threat categories

Situations categorized under Threat categories are generated from traffic that exhibits malicious patterns. Threat categories are classified as 1st class accuracy, 2nd class accuracy, and 3rd class accuracy.
Template Description
1st Class Accuracy The most reliable indication of malicious traffic. The situations categorized under 1st Class Accuracy are terminated in all inspection policy templates.
2nd Class Accuracy A reliable indication of malicious traffic. In rare conditions these situations may be triggered from normal traffic. The situations categorized under 2nd Class Accuracy are terminated in Highest-Security Inspection Template and High-Security Inspection Template, and are logged but not terminated in Medium-Security Inspection Template.
3rd Class Accuracy Moderately reliable indication of malicious traffic. There is a higher risk of false positives from normal traffic. The situations categorized under 3rd Class Accuracy are only terminated in the Highest-Security Inspection Template, and logged but not terminated in High-Security Inspection Template and Medium-Security Inspection Template.