Existing Web customers (SCIM)


  1. Review the existing cloud data structure, specifically the structure of users, groups, and policies. Go to Account > End Users and Account > Groups to view groups and users. (See Groups). Make sure the structure is still as you require. This is a good opportunity to review and amend the structure.
  2. In the cloud manager, configure SCIM. (See Synchronizing with SCIM).
  3. In the identity provider, provision a new application. It is assumed that the SCIM identity provider is already populated with users and groups. To populate the identity provider with users and groups already managed by the cloud service, consider provisioning using a CSV file.
    1. Users
      1. In the cloud portal, go to Account > End Users.
      2. Search for all portal-managed users by select Portal managed from the Source drop-down.
      3. Use the Download results option at the bottom of the screen to export the results to a CSV file.
      4. Import the results into your identity provider.
    2. Groups (Not supported by Okta.)
      1. In the cloud portal, go to Account > Groups.
      2. Click the Download all portal-managed groups in CSV format option.
      3. Import the results into your identity provider.
  4. Synchronize user and group information from the identity provides. (See Configure identity management).
  5. Log onto the cloud manager. Using Account > End Users andAccount > Groups, check that users’ and groups’ policies are as expected. (See View and manage user data).
  6. On the Account > Audit Trail page, confirm that the correct actions have been taken. (See SCIM audit trail).