End Users

To view and manage user data, click Account > End Users. (This option is only available if you have identity management enabled or a web account.) The resulting screen has 3 columns.

Column Description
Criteria to use Check the boxes on the left to indicate what search criteria to use.
Search Criteria Narrow down the search by entering or selecting precise data in the middle column. Under source, you can choose whether to search SCIM users, DirSync (Directory Synchronization Client) users, or Portal-managed users.
Show in Results Check the boxes on the right to indicate what information to include in the results.

Click Search when done. Please note that the search may be slow if there are a large number of users.

From the resulting data, you can make individual edits or bulk edits. For example, you can:

  1. Move one or more users to another web policy, performing a manual override
  2. Undo the manual override (applies to identity management)
  3. Enable or disable web access
  4. Delete one or more users

Use the Download results option at the bottom of the screen to export the search results to a CSV file.

Using the drop-down list between the search box and the search results, select the action you want to make, then select the users on which to perform the action and click Go. All changes made on this screen override any group/policy assignments (existing or future ones).

You can view and manage user data at the policy level as well using the End Users screen for the policy. The account-level page shown here is available only to users with account-level privileges.