Endpoint Auditing Report (Classic Proxy Connect and Direct Connect)

Use the Reporting > Account Reports > Endpoint Auditing page to see the current status of all users and client machines with the endpoint installed.

By default the report displays the status of all endpoint users updated in the last 7 days, listing user names, workstation names, and the current endpoint status.

  • To filter the report for one or more user names, enter the names in the search field and click Search.
  • To change the report to list a particular endpoint status, select one of the following from the Endpoint status drop-down:
    • Enabled – all endpoints that are currently enabled
    • Enabled (manually) – endpoints that have been manually enabled by the end user
    • Enabled (auto-recovery) – endpoints that have automatically returned to an enabled state following a period of fallback due to a lack of connection with the cloud service
    • Enabled (system restart) – endpoints that have been automatically re- enabled on machine restart
    • Disabled (manually) – endpoints that have been manually disabled by the end user
    • Fallback mode – endpoints that cannot connect with the cloud service fall back to one of two modes. For Proxy Connect endpoints, the system allows requests to go directly to the local network/Internet. For Direct Connect endpoints, the system applies filters that have been cached for previously blocked sites before sending requests to the Internet.

      The Fallback mode for Neo is configurable and can be set to allow the user request, block the user request, or use local cache to apply policy.

  • To edit the time period, select an option from the Status updated drop-down.
  • To see further details for a particular user or workstation, click the user or workstation name. The User Details and Workstation Details pages show the following additional information:
    • When the endpoint status was last updated
    • The endpoint version
    • The operating system on which the endpoint is installed
    • The endpoint status change history for that user or workstation
  • To export the report results to a CSV file, click the CSV icon in the top right of the page.