
Thank you for choosing to evaluate Forcepoint Web Security Cloud.

This guide has been created to help you get the most out of your evaluation. It will help you get up and running with the service quickly, enabling you to trial Web Security Cloud’s dynamic inbound and outbound web protection and analysis features.

For many organizations, use of the web is an intrinsic part of an employee’s daily activity. At the same time, web threats are more sophisticated and complex than ever before. Many websites are highly dynamic, and traditional web security systems are unable to protect against a constantly evolving threat landscape. Forcepoint Web Security Cloud is built around the dynamic nature of the modern web, using real-time categorization and threat data, enabling businesses to leverage web-enabled productivity without sacrificing security and control.

Forcepoint Web Security Cloud enables you to:

  • Reduce business costs and complexity with no on-site equipment to install or maintain, low administrative overhead, and built-in scalability for web gateway consolidation.
  • Increase protection using Forcepoint’s Advanced Classification Engine (ACE), ThreatSeeker Intelligence, and CASB to safely leverage the power of modern web tools.

    ACE offers contextual awareness, composite risk scoring, and multi-layered, real- time analysis of inbound and outbound web content with data-aware defenses for data theft protection.

    ThreatSeeker Intelligence continuously monitors web content for emerging threats, analyzing up to 5 billion requests per day. It feeds this intelligence to our advanced protection systems, allowing Forcepoint solutions to adapt quickly to a rapidly changing threat landscape.

    Forcepoint CASB is an integrated solution for cloud application access discovery, activity analysis, access control, security monitoring and enforcement, governance, policy compliance, and data loss prevention. CASB features are integrated into Web Security Cloud, allowing you to monitor and protect the use of cloud apps in your organization.

  • Retain control with 24/7 access and flexible customization of policies, configuration settings, and reporting.