Forcepoint Single Sign-On (SSO) metadata updated for Web Security Cloud

The digital certificate used by Forcepoint to authenticate end-users using SSO has been updated, as the previous certificate expires on September 13th, 2023, 23:59 UTC.

SSO requests will fail for any customers who will use the old certificate after this time and end-users will not be able to use the service.


If you are using the SSO feature for end-users, you must take immediate action to ensure the Forcepoint metadata used by your Identity Provider (IdP) is up-to-date.

  • If you point your IdP to the Forcepoint metadata URL, no action is required.
  • If you have downloaded a local copy of Forcepoint metadata for use by your IdP, you must download the new metadata and import it to your IdP.

A technical alert email has already been sent to the service administrators. Full details of the alert and instructions for the actions to take can be found in this knowledge base article.