Converting integer IP addresses to dot-decimal IPv4 format

Note: IP addresses in the ClientIP field are exported in integer format. To convert integer IP addresses to the dot-decimal IPv4 address format, you can use the Excel formula shown in the table below. This example assumes an integer IP address is in cell A1 of your Excel spreadsheet.
Example integer IP Formula to convert integer IP in cell A1 Dot-decimal IPv4 address

=HEX2DEC(MID(DEC2HEX(A1,8),1,2))&"."&HEX 2DEC(MID(DEC2HEX(A1,8),3,2))&"."&HEX2DEC(

MID(DEC2HEX(A1,8),5,2))&"."&HEX2DEC(MID(D EC2HEX(A1,8),7,2))