Procedure to schedule the log file download

To schedule the log file download:


  1. Open the Windows Scheduled Tasks tool (Start > Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks or Server Manager > Tools > Scheduled Tasks).
  2. Double-click Add Scheduled Task.
  3. Work through the Scheduled Task Wizard as follows:
    1. Browse to the location where you have stored your script.
    2. Select how often to perform the task (daily is advisable).
    3. Select a time to start the task, and the start date.
    4. Enter your network user name and password (not the user name and password you set up in the Cloud TRITON Manager).
    5. Mark the Open advanced properties for this task checkbox, then click Finish.
  4. On the Task tab, add the -u, -p, and -d parameters to the end of the Run field, before the closing quotes, as well as any other parameters you want to use.
    The Run field might look similar to this:
    "\\server\users\jsmith\hosted_logs\ -u -p Ft2010Logs -d /hostedweb/logs"
  5. Click OK.