Before you can view charts on the
page, or generate investigative or presentation reports, an essential, Windows-only reporting component—Log Server—must be installed. If Log Server is not installed, skip to Lesson 13: Real-Time Monitor.Real-Time Monitor gathers its information from another component, Usage Monitor, that is typically installed with Policy Server. If you have administrative access to Real- Time Monitor, Lesson 13 applies even when other reporting components are not installed.
This section includes 5 lessons:
- Lesson 10: Dashboard reports introduces the , used to monitor threat activity, security risks, general usage, and system status for your deployment.
- Lesson 11: Presentation Reports shows you how to generate pre-defined reports and copy those reports to apply customized data selection filters, as well as how to set up a scheduled report job.
- Lesson 12: Investigative Reports shows you how to view log data interactively, identifying a topic of interest and drilling down to find greater detail. You will also learn how to generate and schedule reports.
- Lesson 13: Real-Time Monitor describes how to monitor current Internet activity in your network. This includes information about customizing your view of current traffic to show only specific clients, sites, and so on.
- Lesson 14: Improving web protection software explains how to implement features that let your software send specific types of feedback to Forcepoint.
In networks that use delegated administration, Super Administrators control who can access these features.