Custom block page code examples
There are a number of ways that you can customize block pages.
In the following example, the blockFrame.html file has been updated to add 2 new buttons: one that links to an Internet usage policy document, and one that submits a request to permit access to a blocked website.
Some text has also been added to the page to give guidance about submitting requests to access a blocked website.
The sample code has been added after the “more info” section of the block file code. This section starts with:
<!-- MORE INFO section -->
It ends with:
The following section of sample code was inserted to create the button that links to the Internet Usage Policy document:
<table class="first-option" id="usage-policy">
<input type="button" onclick="'//
internet_usage_policy.pdf','_blank');"value="Internet Usage
Policy" id="isp_link" class="ws_btn">
<span class="ws_btn_desc">Click to view the
MyCompany policy for secure Internet browsing.</span>
The next section of code adds the guidance about requesting access to a blocked website:
<p class="option">
<strong>Requests to access the following types of websites
require a specific, detailed business case for the exception.</strong></p>
<ul class="option">
<li>Personal Network Storage and Backup</li>
<li>Social Networking</li>
And finally, a second button offers the chance to submit the request for access directly to the appropriate destination:
<table class="option" id="permitReq">
<input type="button" onclick="'//
;"value="Request Access" id="unblock_btn" class="ws_btn">
<span class="ws_btn_desc">Click to request access
to this website. <strong>All requests must be business