
Use these instructions to complete a typical installation of Forcepoint™ Web Security. In this configuration:

  • The policy source (the standalone or primary Policy Broker and its Policy Server) resides on the Forcepoint Security Manager (management server) machine.
    • This configuration is not required. Policy Broker and Policy Server may reside on another Windows or Linux server, or on a Forcepoint Appliance.
    • Regardless of where they reside, always install a central Policy Broker and Policy Server before installing any other components.
  • Log Server resides on a dedicated Windows server.
  • The reporting databases are hosted on a full version (not Express) of Microsoft SQL Server on its own machine.

This procedure includes steps for installing the components required to enable the Forcepoint Web Security Hybrid Module and Forcepoint Web Security DLP Module.

The installation process includes all the steps mentioned in this guide.