Delete URLs and IP addresses from an API-managed category

This topic explains how to remove URLs, IP addresses, or IP ranges from a specific API-managed category using API commands. DELETE and POST are two HTTP methods available for this operation.

To remove URLs, IP addresses, and ranges from a specific API-managed category:

Method URL Description
DELETE https:<ps_ip_address>:15873/api/web/v1/categories/urls Deletes URLs and IP addresses from an API-managed category, as specified in the JSON request.
POST https:<ps_ip_address>:15873/api/web/v1/categories/delete/urls Alternative format for curl and Python, which do not accept a payload for the DELETE method.
Note: If you have installed Instrumental Build (IB) for policy API version 8.5.5 or later, use the DELETE method mentioned below to remove URL and IP address. The POST method remains same.
Method URL Description
DELETE https://<ps_ip_address>:15873/api/ web/v1/categories/urls?Transaction ID=<transaction id>&Category Name=<category name>&URLs=<urls1>,<urls2> Deletes URLs and IP addresses from an API-managed category, as specified in the Query string request.

Example for DELETE method:

ID=0871fada-a592-11ef-8e13-b3947b515934&Category Name=Malicious XYZQ&URLs=,
ID=0871fada-a592-11ef-8e13-b3947b515934&Category Name=Malicious XYZQ&IPs=