JavaScript best practices for PAC files

The JavaScript skills needed for most PAC file development are modest. Occasionally, an advanced understanding is needed. A good Internet resource is the website

Whether you are creating a new PAC file or assuming responsibilities for an existing file, these best practices are worth consideration. The list is inspired by and incorporates many entries from a blog post by Lee Harvey titled “Proxy Automatic Config (PAC) File Tips” (post no longer available online).

  • Thoroughly review and understand the PAC file before making changes.
  • Use the PAC or WPAD facility in Content Gateway to maintain the PAC or WPAD file. If you choose to edit the file separately, be sure to use a text editor that does not add or change formatting (e.g. vi, notepad, etc.).
  • Comment the code consistent with programming best practices. Successors should have no questions about the intent of the code.
  • Keep the file as small and efficient as possible.
  • Validate support for built-in JavaScript functions before using them.
  • Check URL and host parameters before using them.
  • Check simple rule exceptions first.
  • Place high-probability checks near the top.
  • Use efficient regular expressions, and avoid capturing matches that will not be used.
  • Because “return” is immediate, avoid using “else” with “if” statements.
  • Single-line if() statements do not require begin { and end } brackets.
  • Carefully consider the use (overuse) of isResolvable(), dnsResolve(), and isInNet() for potential DNS performance issues.
  • Avoid using external or global variables and functions.
  • Because .pac files are text and can be downloaded and viewed by anyone, use appropriate file permissions and avoid revealing secrets.
  • When possible, sort lists of IP addresses and/or domains to ease future maintenance efforts.
  • When possible, group common return values into single conditional if() checks.
  • For single proxy server environments, return the proxy’s static IP address to bypass the DNS lookup overhead.
  • Test all conditions and exceptions used in your .pac file prior to deployment. Verify that your JavaScript is error-free.