Sites that host applications that don’t handle NTLM authentication

Before you begin

When Content Gateway is configured to perform NTLM authentication, some websites still challenge for credentials. This happens when the site hosts an application that is trying to start, but which fails to complete NTLM authentication. This is usually because the application is attempting some non-standard NTLM communication.

If manual authentication is unacceptable, you can create an allow rule in filter.config for each site that hosts an application that doesn’t know how to authenticate. This rule allows the application to bypass authentication.

For example:


  1. In the Content Gateway manager, go to Configure > Security > Access Control > Filtering.
  2. Click Edit File.
  3. Add a rule:
    Rule Type=allow,
  4. Click Apply and Close.
  5. On the Linux command line, in /opt/WCG/bin (substitute your Content Gateway installation location), run:
    content_line -x

Next steps

For more information, see the sections titled “Controlling access to websites” and “filter.config” in Content Gateway manager Help.