Multiple administrators accessing the Forcepoint Security Manager

Administrators in different roles can access the Web module of the Forcepoint Security Manager simultaneously to perform whatever activities their role permissions allow. Since they manage different clients, they can create and apply policies without conflict.

The situation is different if administrators with policy permissions in the same role try to connect at the same time. Only one administrator at a time can log on with full policy or exceptions-only permissions in the shared role. If a second administrator tries to log on with full policy or exceptions-only permissions while another administrator logged on, the second administrator is given a choice:

  • Log on with read-only access (similar to temporary auditor permissions).

    When this option is selected, the Role drop-down box shows “Role Name - [Read- Only]” as the current role, and offers the option of switching to “Role Name” (without any modifiers). This makes it possible to access the role with policy permissions when the role is no longer locked.

  • Log on for reporting only, if the administrator has reporting permissions.
  • Log on to a different role, if the administrator is assigned to any other roles.
  • Log on to view only the Status pages until the role becomes available (Limited Status access).
  • Try again later, after the first administrator logs off.

Administrators who are not using their policy permissions can do one of the following to unlock the role and allow another administrator to log on to manage polices:

  • If generating reports, select Release Policy Permissions from the Role drop- down list.

    When this option is selected, policy management features are hidden from the logged-on administrator, but reporting features remain active.

  • If monitoring system performance, select Status Monitor from the Role drop- down list.

    Administrators in Status Monitor mode can access the Status > Dashboard and Alerts pages, as well as Real-Time Monitor (if applicable). Their session does not time out.

    If administrators in Status Monitor mode try to go to a page other than Dashboard, Alerts, or Real-Time Monitor, they are prompted to log on again.