Managing traffic based on file type

When you create or edit a category filter, you can configure file type blocking for permitted categories. This allows your organization to restrict access to particular file types from websites in some or all permitted categories. For example, you could permit the category Sports, but block multimedia (audio and video) files from sites in the Sports category.

How file type blocking is implemented depends on your software.

  • Forcepoint Web Security enable 2-part file type blocking, based on a combination of file extension (see Enforcement based on file extension) and analysis of requested files (see Enforcement based on file analysis).

    For example:

    1. The General Email category is permitted in the active category filter, but file type blocking is enabled for Compressed Files in the category.
    2. An end user attempts to download a file with a file with a .zip extension (like “”).
    3. The user receives a block page indicating that the download was blocked by file type, because the “.zip” file extension is associated with the Compressed Files file type.
    4. The user attempts to download another file from email. This file does not have a known file extension (for example, “myfile.111”).
    5. The file is scanned to find its file type.
      • If analysis determines that the file is in a compressed format, the user receives a block page indicating that the download is blocked by file type.
      • If analysis determines that the file is not compressed, the download request is permitted.
  • Forcepoint URL Filtering allows blocking based solely on file extension (see Enforcement based on file extension).

    For example:

    1. The General Email category is permitted in the active category filter, but file type blocking is enabled for Compressed Files in the category.
    2. An end user attempts to download a file with a file with a .zip extension (like “”).
    3. The user receives a block page indicating that the download was blocked by file type, because the “.zip” file extension is associated with the Compressed Files file type.

Combine protocol-based policy enforcement with file type enforcement to better manage Internet audio and video media. Protocol filters handle streaming media, while file type enforcement handles files that can be downloaded and then played.