
Exceptions give administrators a way to quickly permit URLs and IP addresses in blocked categories, or block URLs and IP addresses in permitted categories.

Creating an exception does not require changing the category of a URL, nor does it change the policy assigned to affected clients. It simply allows a flexible and rapid response to user requests, changes in company policies, spikes in Internet activity, or other changes in circumstance.

For example:

  • Permit access to an approved vendor’s website for all employees, even though the Default policy blocks access to the Shopping category.
  • Block all clients in the Students role from accessing an uncategorized URL that is experiencing a suspicious spike in traffic while the website is investigated.
  • Permit access to a design blog for 3 members of the Web Marketing team, while continuing to block general access to the Blogs and Personal Sites category.
  • Block a specific user from accessing a list of URLs at the request of the Human Resources department.
  • Permit access to URLs only when accessed from specific sites (referers). See What is a referer? for additional information.

For streamlined instructions for common tasks, see Exception shortcuts.