Logon Agent
Logon Agent identifies users in real time, as they log on to domains. This eliminates the possibility of missing a user logon due to a query timing issue.
Logon Agent (also called Authentication Server) can reside on a Windows or Linux machine. The agent works with the logon application (LogonApp) on Windows and Mac client machines to identify users as they log on to Windows domains.
In most cases, using either DC Agent or Logon Agent is sufficient, but you can use both agents together. In this case, Logon Agent takes precedence over DC Agent. DC Agent only communicates a logon session to Filtering Service in the unlikely event that Logon Agent has missed one.
Install Logon Agent, and then deploy the logon application to client machines from a central location. For more information, see the Using Logon Agent for Transparent User Identifcation technical paper.
After installation, configure the agent to communicate with client machines and with the Filtering Service (see Configuring Logon Agent).