Reporting on advanced real-time analysis
After you install Content Gateway and enter a key that enables the advanced analysis features, you can see and analyze the effects of these features on the dashboard, and with presentation and investigative reports.
On the Usage dashboard, by default, 2 charts tally requests to Web 2.0 sites over the past 30 days:
- Web 2.0 Categories
- Web 2.0 URL Bandwidth
See The Status Dashboards, for information about customizing the charts or moving them to a different dashboard tab.
On the Presentation Reports page, the Scanning Activity group contains reports that focus on Web 2.0 browsing and analysis activity, including recategorization that results from content categorization. There is also a report that tracks page blocks that result from link analysis.
Important: Enable full URL logging (see Configuring how URLs are logged) to ensure that reports of analysis activity are meaningful. Otherwise, reports can display only the domain
( of the site categorized, even though individual pages within the site may fall into different categories, or be recategorized for different reasons.
- You can copy a security or analysis report template to create a custom report. You can then edit the report filter to refine the information included when you generate that custom report.
- Some security threat reports include a Threat ID column. Click a individual threat ID to open a Forcepoint Security Labs web page that describes the type of threat.
- Other presentation reports can contain information on analysis activities, as well as general policy enforcement. For example, the Detail of Full URLs by Category report, found in the Internet Activity group of the Report Catalog, provides a detailed listing of each URL accessed within each category.