Adding or editing IP addresses during Network Agent configuration

Use the Add IP Addresses or Edit IP Addresses page to make changes to any of the following Network Agent lists: Internal Network Definition, Internal Traffic to Monitor, Proxies and Caches, Monitor List, or Monitor List Exceptions.

  • Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and ranges are supported.
  • When you add or edit an IP address range, make sure that it does not overlap any existing entry (single IP address or range) in the list.
  • When you add or edit a single IP address, make sure that it does not fall into a range that already appears in the list.

To add a new IP address or range:


  1. Select the IP address or IP address range radio button.
  2. Enter a valid IP address or range.
  3. Click OK to return to the previous Network Agent Settings page. The new IP address or range appears in the appropriate table.

    To return to the previous page without caching your changes, click Cancel.

  4. Repeat this process for additional IP addresses, as needed.

    When you edit an existing IP address or range, the Edit IP Addresses page displays the selected item with the correct radio button already selected. Make any necessary changes, and then click OK to return to the previous page.

    When you are finished adding or editing IP addresses, click OK on the Network Agent Settings page. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.