Adding or editing a custom LDAP group

Use the Add Custom LDAP Group page to define a group based on any attribute you have defined in your directory service. Use the Edit Custom LDAP Group page to make changes to an existing definition.

Important: If you add custom LDAP groups, and then either change directory services or change the location of the directory server, the existing groups become invalid. You must add the groups again, and then define each as a client.


  1. Enter or change the Group name. Use a descriptive name that clearly indicates the purpose of the LDAP group.
    Group names are case-insensitive, and must be unique.
  2. Enter or change the description that defines this group in your directory service. For example:

    In this example, WorkStatus is a user attribute that indicates employment status, and parttime is a value indicating that the user is a part-time employee.

  3. Click OK to return to the Manage Custom LDAP Groups page. The new or revised entry appears in the list.
  4. Add or edit another entry, or click OK to cache changes and return to the previous page. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.