Configuring database partition options

Use the Database Rollover Configuration section of the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page to specify when you want the Log Database to create a new database partition (roll over), where database partitions are stored, and how large partitions are. Also create new partitions manually, rather than waiting for the planned rollover, and review all database partitions available for reporting.

Refer to the Growth Rates and Sizing chart at the bottom of the Database Rollover Configuration section for average daily database partition size over time. This may be helpful in planning for future growth, determining how frequently to create new partitions, and in setting partition size and growth options.

  • Use the drop-down list under the chart to configure the Time period displayed. (The time period is based on the partition creation date; not the dates that the partition spans.) You can display partitions created in the last 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or show all available partitions.

    Note that when a longer time period is selected, each partition may appear as a small dot on the chart.

  • Indicate whether or not to Show chart legend. When displayed, the legend indicates which partitions (by name) are mapped in the chart.

    The legend is only available when the chart includes 20 or fewer partitions for the selected time period.

  • Select a section of the chart to view it more closely. Click Zoom Out or Reset Chart to reduce the level of detail shown.

For more help with database sizing, see Log Database sizing guidance.