Usage dashboard
Use the Usage tab of the
page to monitor general Internet activity trends for your organization. By default, the following charts are displayed:- Top Blocked Users shows which users have requested the most blocked sites.
- Top Requested Categories shows the categories that are being accessed most to provide a high-level overview of potential security, bandwidth, or productivity concerns. Click the chart to see an investigative report with more detailed information.
- Enforcement Summary provides an overview of recently permitted requests, blocked requests for sites in the Security Risk class, and other blocked requests.
- (Forcepoint Web Security only) Web 2.0 Categories shows the top categories assigned to requested Web 2.0 URLs, measured by requests.
- (Forcepoint Web Security only) Web 2.0 URL Bandwidth shows the Web 2.0 URLs using the most bandwidth.
- (Forcepoint Web Security only) Analytics: Top Categories shows the top categories to which requested URLs were assigned after real-time analysis determined that they no longer fit their original category.
Click any chart or element except the 30-Day Activity Summary to open an investigative report with more detailed information.