Adding roles

Use the Delegated Administration > Add Role page to provide a name and description for the new role.


  1. Enter a Name for the new role.

    The name must be between 1 and 50 characters long, and cannot include any of the following characters:

    * < > ' { } ~ ! $ % & @ # . " | \ & + = ? / ; : ,

    Role names can include spaces and dashes.

  2. Enter a Description for the new role.
    The description may be up to 255 characters. The character restrictions that apply to role names also apply to descriptions, with 2 exceptions: descriptions can include periods (.) and commas (,).
  3. Specify the Role Type:
    • A Policy management and reporting role allows administrators the ability to create filters and policies and apply them to managed clients. Administrators in these roles may also be given permission to report on managed clients or all clients.

      If you select this role type, also indicate whether or not to Copy all Super Administrator policies, filters, and filter components to the new role. If you select this option, the process of creating the role may take several minutes.

      If you do not copy all Super Administrator policies to the role, a Default policy is created for the role that enforces the Super Administrator Default category and protocol filters.

    • An Investigative reporting role allows administrators to report on their managed clients only, using the investigative reports tool. Managed clients in an investigative reporting role may also be added to a policy management and reporting role.
  4. Click OK to display the Edit Role page and define the characteristics of this role. See Editing roles.
    • If you created a policy management and reporting role, it is added to the Role drop-down list in the Web Security toolbar the next time you log on.
    • If you created an investigative reporting role, the name does not appear in the role drop-down. This reflects the fact that reporting permissions are cumulative (see Administrators in multiple roles).