Setting encryption passwords

Some corporate policies dictate that sensitive data be encrypted before being copied to a removable media device such as a USB drive. If this is the case for your organization, you cannot copy files to such media until you set the password to decrypt them.

Note: Forcepoint DLP Endpoint does not support the encryption of data transferred to a Windows Portable Device (WPD) from a Windows endpoint machine.

Set the password one time, then any time you copy sensitive data to removable media, it is encrypted and copied along with a Forcepoint Decryption Utility to the device. You, or any other user accessing the files on endpoint machines where the Forcepoint DLP Endpoint is not installed, or where the password configured for encryption is different than yours, must enter this password.

Important: The encryption password can only be set on a Windows endpoint machine running Forcepoint DLP Endpoint. You cannot set an encryption password or encrypt files on a mac endpoint machine.
To set the encryption password:
  1. Right-click the F1E icon in the task bar’s notification area.
  2. Select Set Encryption Password from the menu.
  3. Enter your password, then re-enter your password.
    The password should be at least 8 characters in length (maximum is 15 characters), and it should contain:
    • At least one numeral
    • At least one symbol
    • At least one capital letter
    • At least one lowercase letter
    The following example shows a strong password:
    • 8%w@s1*F
  4. Click OK.
    Warning: Keep the encryption password in a safe place. If you forget your password, it cannot be recovered and the file cannot be decrypted.