Using the Forcepoint DLP Endpoint Diagnostics Tool (Windows only)

The Diagnostics Tool shows Forcepoint DLP Endpoint information that you can provide to your system administrator to assist with troubleshooting.

To launch the Diagnostics Tool:
  1. Right-click the F1E icon in the task bar’s notification area (Windows).
  2. Select Open F1E Diagnostics.

When you launch the tool, the Diagnostics Tool automatically executes the System information diagnostics test, which collects basic information related to the specific endpoint machine on which the Forcepoint DLP Endpoint software is installed. To manually run the diagnostics test, click the Run Diagnostics button.

If Forcepoint Web Security Endpoint is also installed on your endpoint machine, the Diagnostics Tool shows additional information. See Using the Forcepoint Web Security Endpoint Diagnostics Tool for more information.

If Forcepoint Endpoint Context Agent is also installed on your endpoint machine, the Diagnostics Tool shows additional information for Forcepoint ECA.

Note: Corresponding log files generated from these new diagnostic tests can easily be collected with the existing CLIENTINFO.EXE tool. Your Help Desk might ask you to run this tool to collect these files. To run it, click the Collect Endpoint Info... button on the diagnostics screen. The resulting file is placed onto the desktop. Attach the file to an email to your Help Desk or system administrator.