Move email data


  • On the dual-mode appliance, apply Hotfix 300. Hotfix 300 opens a secure channel from your dual-mode appliance to the new appliance.
  • On the new appliance, in the CLI migrate your email files using the migrate command.

Install Hotfix 300

  1. Log on to the Appliance Manager for the dual-mode appliance.
  2. Go to the Administration > Patches / Hotfixes > Hotfixes page.
  3. Enter the name of hotfix 300 in the search box at the top of the screen:

    Where x.x.x is the version of TRITON AP-EMAIL currently running on the dual-mode appliance.

  4. Click Find. If the hotfix is not found, ensure that the name is entered correctly.
  5. In the pop-up display, click Download to download the hotfix.

    If you downloaded the hotfix package to a local directory, you can use the Upload Hotfix Manually button to upload the hotfix.

  6. Click Install to install the hotfix. Installation opens a secure channel from the dual-mode appliance to the new appliance.

Migrate the data

All migration steps are performed in the CLI of the new, v8.5 appliance.

The following commands may be used.
Action and Syntax Details
Log on to the email-specific CLI.
login email

You must be in the config mode to log on to the email-specific CLI.

(config)# login email

Migrate interactive mode

Move email configuration data and messages (optional) to a new appliance.

The CLI prompts for needed information.

migrate interactive
(config) (Email) # migrate

Migrate silent mode

Move email configuration data and messages to a new appliance without prompting for input.
migrate silent
--host <host_name>

Host: Host name or E1/P1 interface IP address

(config)(Email)# migrate silent
  1. Log on to the new v8.5 appliance CLI and enter config mode.

    If you use a client interface like PuTTY to access the CLI, you will want to configure a longer connection session to accommodate a somewhat lengthy migration process.

    For example, in the PuTTY configuration interface, select the Connection category. Enter 30 in the Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off) entry field.

  2. In config mode, log in to the email module CLI:
    login email
  3. Perform the migration using the migrate command with 1 of 2 options:

    interactive or silent.

Interactive mode is a step-by-step process that requires input during the process.

An example of the interactive mode command is:

You enter the following information:

  • Dual-mode appliance E1/P1 interface IP address
  • Confirmation for the start of the migration
  • Selection of a transfer option:
    Example CLI for this section of the migration looks like:
    Would you like to start the migration process from the
    source appliance: to this appliance
    (services on both appliances will stop)? [yes/no]
    Please select a transfer option: [1/2/3]
    1. Transfer only configuration files, defer logs, and
    policy incidents.
    2. Transfer configuration files, defer logs, policy
    incidents, and email messages.
    3. Quit
    Are you sure you want to transfer all configuration
    files, defer logs, policy incidents, and email messages?

    :If you migrate email message queues in addition to configuration settings, be aware that the transfer of large-volume queues may take a few hours to complete.

Silent mode requires the user to enter only the dual-mode appliance E1/P1 interface IP address. For example:
migrate silent --host

The second transfer option (all files and all messages) is automatically selected for silent mode, and the migration runs without the need for subsequent user input.

It is helpful to know:

  • The migration log accumulates warning messages from any previous unsuccessful migration. Each time you attempt (or complete) a subsequent migration, error messages from your previous migration attempts still appear.
  • If you have an email DLP policy configured to use a Forcepoint DLP quarantine action, and the Settings > General > Remediation page Release Gateway is set to Use the gateway that detected the incident, you should change the Release Gateway to the IP address of your new appliance. Otherwise, when a Data module administrator releases a pre-migration quarantined message, an “Unable to release incident” error is generated.
  • Virtual IP address settings in filter actions are not retained after an appliance migration. You need to reconfigure virtual IP address settings manually.