Static routes

  • The same route cannot be added for 2 different interfaces on the same module. If attempted, an error message displays.
  • Static routes that are defined for an interface that is later made inactive remain in the routing table.
  • Static routes that become invalid because the IP address of the interface changes are disabled.
  • Static routes can be added and deleted, but not modified. To modify a route, delete it and add a new route specifying the new values.
  • Static routes can be bulk added from a text file. See the Forcepoint Appliances CLI Guide.
  • The static route table has a maximum limit of 5000 entries.

CLI example:
(config)# set route --dest --mask
          --gateway --interface c
(config)# set route6 --dest 2222:3333:4444:5555::0
          --interface p1 --prefixlen 64
          --gateway 1234:5678::8765:4321