Setting email notifications

Use the page Global Settings > General > Notifications to set up the mail server used for all email notifications from the Security Manager, and to configure the notification email messages sent to administrators.

Note: This page can be viewed and edited only by Global Security Administrators.

To establish a connection with a mail server so that email notifications can be sent:

  1. Enter the Sender email address to use in notifications. If you are using Exchange Online, a valid email address must be used.
  2. Enter a Sender name to appear with the From: email address. This is useful to make it clear to administrators that the email is related to the Forcepoint Security Manager.
  3. Select the Mail server type.
    • If you select Exchange Online:
      1. Enter the applicable Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client secret. For more information about getting your Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client secret, see the Configuring Azure Active Directory to use OAuth2 authentication Knowledge Base article.
      2. Click Test Connection to test the outgoing mail server settings. When prompted, enter an email address where the system can send a test message. If you receive the message, then it was able to connect to the outgoing mail server successfully. This can take several minutes.
    • If you select Other mail server, enter the IP address or host name and Port of the SMTP server machine.
  4. Next, in the section Email Notification Templates, review the templates used for administrator notifications. There are three available templates:
    • New Account: Notifies an administrator of their new Security Manager account. Typically, this template includes the new logon name and password, and a summary of the permissions allocated to the administrator.
    • Edit Account: Notifies an administrator of any changes to their Security Manager account. Typically, this includes any information that might be changed and would need to be communicated to the administrator, such as their logon name, password, and permissions.
    • Forgot Your Password: Confirms to an administrator who has clicked the “Forgot Your Password” link on the Security Manager logon page that their password has been reset. Typically, this includes the temporary password and expiration details for that password.

    Each template contains default text that can be used or modified, and includes some available variables. At the time the email is sent to the administrator, these variables are replaced either with user-specific data or with values configured elsewhere in the system. Variables are always surrounded by percentage symbols, such as %Username%.

    To modify a notification message:

    1. Select one of the Email Notification Templates tabs: New Account, Edit Account, or Forgot Your Password.
    2. Enter a suitable subject header for the email message. For example, for a new account, you might use “Welcome to Forcepoint Security Manager” or “Your new Forcepoint Security Manager account.”
    3. Modify the message body as required. To add a variable, click Insert Variable and select from the drop-down list:
      Variable Description
      %TRITON URL% The URL used to access the Security Manager.
      %Username% The administrator’s Security Manager name.

      The administrator’s Security Manager password. This may be the temporary password assigned to an administrator who used the “Forgot Your Password” link. This password is valid for 30 minutes; an administrator logging on during that time is prompted to enter a new password.

      %Permissions% The permissions allocated to the administrator.
      Note: If you are using all or part of the default notification text, you can only include variables at the end of the default message.
    4. To return to the default notification text at any time, click Restore Default, then click OK to confirm.
  5. Click OK.

    The settings are saved.