Editing a network account

Before you begin

Use the page Global Settings > General > Administrators to edit the access and authentication permissions for existing network accounts


  1. On the page Administrators, click an account name.
    The Edit Network Account page displays.
  2. If certificate authentication is enabled on the page General > Two-Factor Auth (see Configuring two-factor authentication), click Certificate Authentication to upload or import the certificate that the administrators will authenticate against when logging on to the Security Manager.
    • Click Import from LDAP to import the certificate from your user directory.
    • Click Upload Certificate to browse to the location of the certificate and upload it.

    When the certificate has been imported or uploaded successfully, the certificate name, expiration date, issuer, and source information are displayed in the Certificate Authentication area of the page. To import a new certificate from your user directory, replacing the existing certificate, click Import New from LDAP.

    To delete the certificate from this network account, click Remove Certificate. If you remove the certificate, this network account cannot use two-factor authentication.

  3. To change the access permissions for the network account:
    • Select Global Security Administrator to give the administrator full permissions across all Security Manager modules.
      Note: Only Global Security Administrators can create other Global Security Administrators.
    • If this is not a Global Security Administrator account, use the Module Access Permissions options to update permissions for the administrator. Choose a setting under each of the available options (Web, Data, Email) to give the administrator permissions to manage one or more of the Security Manager modules.

      For each available module, choose whether the administrator has:

      • No access to that module
      • Only access to the module
      • Both access and the ability to manage other administrators in that module

      For more information, see Security Manager administrators.

      Note: Administrators can assign access permissions only for the Security Manager modules to which they have management permissions.
  4. When you are done editing administrator permissions, click OK.
    The settings are saved.