Configuring connection settings

Connection settings vary, based on whether a network user directory or a CSV file was selected in the previous section.

For network user directories (Active Directory or Domino), enter:

  1. The IP address or hostname and Port to use to connect to the user directory server.
  2. Enter the User distinguished name and Password for an account with directory server access.
  3. To secure the connection to the directory server, mark Use SSL encryption.
  4. To prompt Forcepoint DLP to follow server referrals, if they exist, mark Follow referrals.
  5. Click Test Connection to verify the connection to the directory server.
  6. Continue with the next section,

For CSV files:

  1. Enter the Path to the file.
  2. Enter the User name and Password for an account with at least read permissions to the file.
  3. Click Test Connection to verify that Forcepoint DLP can read the file.
  4. Click OK.