Policy Broker Connection Screen

Applies to:
  • Forcepoint Web Security, v8.5.x
  • Forcepoint URL Filtering, v8.5.x

This screen appears if Policy Server, Sync Service, or Directory Agent is selected for installation, but Policy Broker is not.

Enter the IP address of the Policy Broker machine and the Policy Broker communication port (default is 55880).

  • If Policy Broker is installed on this machine, enter its actual IP address (not the loopback address).
  • In an appliance-based deployment, Policy Broker is installed on the full policy source appliance. Enter the IP address of the appliance’s C interface and use the default port.
  • The Policy Broker communication port must be in the range 1024-65535. During installation, Policy Broker may have been automatically configured to use a port other than the default. (This does not apply to appliance-based Policy Broker instances.) To verify the port:
    1. Navigate to the bin directory on the Policy Server machine (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin or /opt/Websense/bin/, by default).
    2. Open the BrokerService.cfg file in a text editor.
    3. Locate the listen_port value.
    4. When you are finished, close the file without saving. Do not modify the file.
If Policy Broker is not installed anywhere in your network, you must install it before any other web protection component.
  • To install Policy Broker on this machine, click Previous, then add Policy Broker to the components selected for installation.
  • To install Policy Broker on another machine, run the Forcepoint Security Setup program or Web Linux Installer on that machine first, before continuing to attempt installation on the current machine.