Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Filtering
Use the Filtering page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to determine which items to scan.
- To filter based on mailbox or folder name, mark Filter by Mailbox or Folder name, then indicate what names to include and exclude. Wildcards are allowed.
- To filter by the subject line in items like email, calendar items, notes, contacts, and so on, mark Filter by Subject, then indicate what subjects to include and exclude.
- To filter based on item modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio buttons to select a time period:
- Select Within to search only for items modified within a certain period, then indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
- Select More than to search only for items modified more than a certain number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
- Select From...To to search for items modified between 2 dates, then specify the dates.
- To filter based on item size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the following options:
- Mark Scan only items larger than, then select a size from the spinner.
- Mark Scan only items smaller than, then select a size from the spinner.
- Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports.