Custom users

Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Custom Users page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to add or manage custom users—that is, users that are not part of the user directory.

If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine actions permitted according to the user’s risk level, you can see the Risk Level of each user in the list. A value of 1 to 5 is shown only for users that were assigned to Risk-Adaptive Protection. Level 1 is set for users that are considered less risky for the organization; level 5 is for users that are considered to be most risky. The values are determined by Forcepoint Behavioral Analytics and sent to Forcepoint DLP.

To add a custom user, click New, then:


  1. Enter the Name of the custom user.
  2. Enter the Email address for the user.
  3. Enter a User name for the user.
  4. Optionally, enter the Windows NT Domain for the user.
    • Leave this field empty for users who don’t belong to a domain and should be considered a match when they log on to a computer using a local account.
    • Set this field to “*” if the user is part of a domain and should be considered a match for all domains.
    • For users who should be considered a match only when they log on to a specific domain, set this field to a precise domain name.
  5. Optionally enter a Title for the person.
  6. Optionally enter the name of the person’s Manager.
  7. Optionally enter the Department to which this person belongs.
  8. Optionally enter the person’s Phone number.
  9. Click OK.