Database fingerprinting

Forcepoint DLP can quickly connect to a database, retrieve records, and fingerprint exact fields from a protected database. For example, it can detect the first name, last name, and Social Security number occurring together in a message and corresponding to a specific record from the customer database.

Forcepoint DLP can also:

  • Fingerprint a cloud-hosted database.
  • Quickly import and fingerprint CSV files (UTF-8 encoded) that contain records.

You can also create a condition that combines record fingerprints and dictionary matches. A dictionary typically contains unique words or codes that are of classified nature, such as “Platinum,” “Gold,” “Silver,” and “Bronze.”

The presence of data and/or unique words or codes in content intended for external recipients may indicate that classified information is being distributed via email and/ or attachments. Forcepoint DLP enables you to block the distribution of this information by defining database record fingerprints.